Brownie's Foggy Blog

Mostly boring, sometimes insightful, always inane, often banal, but never, ever, anything but the truth about how I see the world.

Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

I am a loud mouth at times, other times meek. I wonder at the world, but know not what I seek.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What News?

Well, I'm here to proclaim that it's official. American journalism is dead. And the stench of it's decay comes through without smell-a-vision. It's been bought and sold a dozen times over and no one seems to know who it belongs to anymore. Certainly, it should exist to serve the people of this republic, but now it serves itself, or political parties, or to be perfectly honest, it serves Mammon above all.

How many times must I endure the rantings of newscasters who make a such a big deal out of ANOTHER disappearance of ANOTHER lilly-white, helpless, pretty female. This is not real news. At least it is not national news. It concerns the family of the victim and the police in the jurisdiction it belongs in. Perhaps then, wonder of wonders! it might belong on the LOCAL newscasts. To smear it across the national/international cable news channels and newspapers so wantonly is nothing more than a grab at ratings and circulation.

And Mammon.

God bless her and her family, but frankly, I don't give a rat's behind about Natalie Holloway. I've never met her, chances are I'll never meet her, or any member of her family, or her attackers/abductors/killers, or their families. I've never been to Aruba and don't plan on ever going. So why does this merit hundreds upon hundreds of hours of reporting in the press. The answer is: it doesn't. But the press, the hungry flesh-and-Mammon-eating machine that it's become, can no longer see that. The blind are feeding us our news. Good Lord help us!

How many times must I have to turn the station because the "news" is relating such important information as:
  • What or who Angeline Jolie/Jennifer Aniston/Tom Cruise is doing.
  • Who got cut from American Idol/Survivor/Insert Your Own Reality Show Here.
  • Someone wrote a book that got the left/center/right upset about its liberal/moderate/conservative slant.
  • What Oprah bought her audience.
  • What I should/should not be wearing/eating/reading/viewing.

I want some bleeding news! Real news! News that affects us ALL! There is plenty of reporting to be done, but apparently, no one is willing to do it any longer. There are real wars in the world (other than Iraq), real problems with the environment, real dangers lurking in the shadows we have yet to be told anything about because someone at CNN/MSNBC/Fox decided it was in the country's best interest to run another hour-long special on Brittany Spears belly button rings.



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