Brownie's Foggy Blog

Mostly boring, sometimes insightful, always inane, often banal, but never, ever, anything but the truth about how I see the world.

Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

I am a loud mouth at times, other times meek. I wonder at the world, but know not what I seek.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Blindspot of Fundamentalism

I am a Christian. But what is that exactly (one may ask)? I find it almost impossible to believe that it has anything whatsoever with going to church. Or subscribing to the notions leveled by the so-called "fundamentalist" movement, that seems to have been hijacked by, or hoodwinked into believing that, the Republican party is "better" for them than the Democrats. I do agree with at least one plank of the Republican platform (pro-life, anti-abortion, whatever you like to call it) but one plank does not a holy edifice build. On the other hand, I agree with more than a few planks in the Democratic platform (less hawkish, more social benefits, etc.), yet their pro-abortion stance poisons their well, and the putrification that inevitably follows stinks things up so much for me that I can't stand those rather tasty h'our doevres they serve at their otherwise lively soirees. Politically, that leaves me out in the cold, lost and searching for some pie-in-the-sky third party that will never get elected in numbers large enough to make any real difference. So in my self-imposed political exile, I must turn to other matters of greater import, and I must also frankly admit that I am going to attack the "bible-believing" Christians who seem, pardon the expression, hell-bent, on driving our country into the ground (incidently, from which it came) by their ardent support for the Republican party.

As a Christian, I am internally driven to shun the bad, and do good, consequences be damned, because if I don't do these things, then I'll be damned. Let me make my point about the Blindspot of Fundamentalism by looking at a flaw in their perception of a single, simple commandment. The bible clearly states that "bearing false witness" is a sin. Most folks perceive that this a prohibition on telling any un-truth. I beg to differ. And let me tell you why.

Bearing false witness must have consequences of ill fortune for those who are wronged by said witness. For example, lying in court or to the police about a crime to protect yourself or others from just punishment or to cause unjust harm to another. Does the fundamentalist Christian really believe that if their wife asks them "Does this dress make me look fat?" and that if they answer "No, honey" (untruthfully), that they have commited a mortal sin, worthy of death? Unfortunaly, I believe many of them do, which I find lamentable. Because, while the answer was a lie, the intention works to create harmony and union, instead of bitterness and division. Aren't those some of Christ's central messages? Peace? Love? Brotherhood? Harmony?

Now the fundamentalist may argue that I am arguing semantics, that a lie is a lie, and they are all sin. Once again, I disagree, and here's why. Jesus told many dozens of parables in the Bible, to illustrate points, to teach, to edify and ultimately, to glorify God and expand harmony, peace, love and brotherhood on the planet. Yet what is a parable? If we take on the fundamentalist viewpoint, it is a lie. Those stories he told didn't actually happen, he made them up, to serve the greater good. So didn't he, in the strictess interpretation that "bible-beliving" Christian so enthusiastically spout from pulpits all across the country, just commit a sin? Jesus? A sinner? May it never be!!