Brownie's Foggy Blog

Mostly boring, sometimes insightful, always inane, often banal, but never, ever, anything but the truth about how I see the world.

Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

I am a loud mouth at times, other times meek. I wonder at the world, but know not what I seek.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Regret

Everyone has done things they are not proud of. Most of which are of little consequence in the big scheme of things, so I try not to sweat the little things (as long as my Prozac is working it's magic), or things I believe God is willing to forgive me for. But there are a few things we do in life that have far reaching consequences and from which we find we have a hard time ever reconciling these actions with our present state of mind. Some things just resononate endlessly through time, echoing off the bare walls of our minds, back and forth and back and forth, for so long we find them difficult to ignore. Or forgive ourselves for doing (or in my case, not doing) in the first place.

Many years ago, I met a young lady. We became very close friends over time and spent a great deal of time together and eventually I knew I was falling in love with her. Not just in a puppy-dog or google-eyed she's a real fox kind of way, but the kind of love that I know now is real. Based on real caring for one another, deep concern, the ability to talk about anything with each other and a physical closeness (though I never even kissed this lady) and comfort that I have never found in any other woman I have met since.

Yet I never expressed to her fully how I felt, so our relationship eventually fell by the wayside, as we became physically seperated by a few thousand miles and by our chosen career paths. Out of sight, out of mind I guess, though for many more months we continued to write one another regularly. But the seperation was too much, and my (unforgivable) inaction still haunts me. I thought, and frankly still believe, she was my soulmate, but I let her slip away because I was too weak, or too scared, or just too plain stupid to open my heart to her fully.

A few years later, she married and is quite happy these days (by all appearances) with a loving husband and beautiful children. It may sound cliche to say so, but I am truly happy for her. But this post is about regret, so here it is: I do regret not making my feelings known to her, for I believe with all my heart we could have carved out a beautiful life together. But that never came to pass, and of all the poor choices I've made in my life, that is the one I most truly regret.

So now here I am, trying to look forward, yet still trying (and often failing) to ignore the echoes of that beautiful (in every way) woman in my head. Still trying not to compare every woman I meet with the memory of her. And still failing miserably.

I wonder if I'll ever find that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. If I don't, my regret may consume me, and that just sucks.

Okay, enough whining.

Who am I again?


Blogger brownie said...

See: Verse of the Day

7:44 AM  
Blogger Dan S said...

I wish I had words of wisdom, or had encouraged you at the time. We all have regrets, but I guess some continue to live with us.

5:29 AM  
Blogger snarkbutt said...

Is this "young lady" the person that I think it is? Someone I know very well? (You don't have to answer that.)

At any rate, you know the phrase, "The grass is always greener..." Could you be glorifying her because nothing ever happened? Just to play devil's advocate, what if you had revealed your feelings for her, you got involved, and then things didn't work out? Then you'd be all bitter and have a different opinion of her.

I have similar regrets. But I also know that nothing ever works out in real life like it does in my fantasies. I've agonized over chances not taken, but the truth is I don't know whether I ever really had a chance or not. It's just easier to imagine that I had a chance but missed it.

Incidentally, the biggest regrets I have are not missed opportunities, but things I feel guilty about. Things I DID do that I wish I hadn't. That's what I thought you were talking about at first.

1:58 PM  
Blogger brownie said...

I suppose that it's more likely that things would NOT have worked out, my regret is that I didn't even TRY. My regret is my cowardice or fear or timidity or whatever. After all, there is always the chance that things COULD have worked out. But now I'll never know. That's what causes me regret.

And yes, I'm pretty darn sure you know this person.

7:11 AM  
Blogger brownie said...

"Fortune favors the bold."

7:48 AM  
Blogger Fingtree said...

"Fortune favors the bold"
The meek shall inherit the earth
The patient man always wins
blah blah.......there is a saying that can be applied to almost anything. Here's one you havn't heard; "Harboring regrets, growth inhibiting begets".

5:46 AM  

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