Brownie's Foggy Blog

Mostly boring, sometimes insightful, always inane, often banal, but never, ever, anything but the truth about how I see the world.

Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States

I am a loud mouth at times, other times meek. I wonder at the world, but know not what I seek.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I'm well adjusted to frustration
I function when I can
And remember all the moments, I just want to forget.
Slide along my life
Right behind me, if you can
The view is better in the front
But the danger only grows there
Too simple to be repeated
Too dumb to chase away
Silence is the guide I want for my tribe.
A thousand aching roses
A million sleeping sighs
A billion dollars aught to do it
(keep the fat from off my thighs).
Flashlights of memory
Phasing in and out
Just another moment
To be reflected out.
You trash your only friend
Like fire eats the fire
A dormant, unseen trailer
Wait for you to die.
To walk away--to walk away
From all you cannot see
The emerging distance in your heart
Stalks with sweaty teeth, slung toward the sky.
Underneath the pillowcase
I often wonder why
I have no camel friends
Nor magic in my eyes
No word to heal the wounds
Or end the endless cries.
Suppose I walk without you
Suppose you change your name
Try never to replace me
In your neverending game.
March out to the drummer's beat
Bloody two-by-two
Carry nothing sacred.
Unless there is no other.
A price uncertain paid
To the holder of your sanity
An unseen burrower
worming through your viens.
Not one, not one, no not one can see
The vanity
Of our collapsing window panes
In vain all emptiness gathers
Everything's the same.
A pig may hold your station
When you return for your door prize
A mighty madman awakened
To bear our your demise.
Shining cowlets, less bells
Swagger now in the sun
Betrothed to endless slaughter
A value to be undone, and aided by flies.
Spoken in the darkness, they
Like powder from a smell
In motionless agreement
Detract nothing from our Hell.
Wrap it up too tightly for my taste
Splatter it with my blood
A shrine to lasting indifference
My organs on the floor.
Nature abhors the vacuum in your head
And so do I.
There is no life jacket bouyant enough
For those who would walk on water.

-M.K. Brown



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